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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Deep Inside

It has taken me almost 40 years of mistakes, trial and error, reflection and introspection to finally see that I have always been fabulous. I never saw myself as beautiful until recently taking a long pause and staring at the faces of my children who are all a real reflection of me. They are beautiful, hence I am part of the source. I love rediscovering new/old things about myself, I was reminded by an old friend how much fun I am to be around and how they were always so excited to see me coming, my personality lights up a room and draws positive energy.
Having children has brought about a whole new meaning in life. Watching them grow is miraculous within itself, knowing that one day they too may have the opportunity to become parents. I teach them to be aware, truly aware of their surrounds as turning the wrong corner can wreck a lifetime. I share almost everything with them and we have grown together, they know me as I have learned myself. They instantly sense my moods and are not afraid to question the reasons I may be feeling out of character and in that connection I do the same. We are truly family. The meaning of being a family can only be described as being open with the ones with whom you share your life and willing to bend to create an atmosphere for growth in any situation.
This year we have planted a garden. One for herbs and the other for fruits and vegetables. The process was soul gripping. To once again reconnect directly with the earth and all the over looked creatures that dwell beneath our feet was humbling. Showing the children how a seed is planted, watered, cared for and grows into plants that will sustain our lives is a necessary lesson that I hope more people will embrace. Watching theirs eyes light up to see the seed break through the dirt and form leaves let's me know that we are on the right path.
Sitting down with my daughter and picking up a box of crayola crayons and coloring brought so much joy, and renewed my youth spirit. I have never felt so in tune with who I am and how I truly feel about life, where I am in my life, and where I want to be in my future.
Loving ourselves and opening up that endless supply of light and love that we all posses as individuals is the ultimate find. I can truly say I love you in the mirror. I now see the scars and past pains as stepping stones to getting deep inside.
If we all come together, get green, and humble ourselves to the earth, I believe there is still hope for a brighter tomorrow.

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