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Monday, April 4, 2011

Be Still

This world is filled with so much chaos, negativity, and upheaval.
The key to personal sanity is stillness.
In the quiet we can find answers to questions we asks ourselves, in the stillness we can heal our own ills, every thing happens in silence.
Flowers bloom, trees grow, and the world keeps spinning.
Be one with your surroundings, embrace nature and it will in turn embrace you.
Commit to being still and silent for at least one hour daily, allow the universe to rejuvenate your energy and show you which way to go.
Thoughts on silence:
True silence is the rest of the mind,
 and is to the spirit what 
   sleep is to the body,
 nourishment and refreshment. 
 It is a great virtue; it covers folly,
 keeps secrets, avoids disputes, 
   and prevents sin. 

 Silence, when nothing need be said,
 is the eloquence of 

Whoever guards his mouth and tongue
Keeps his soul from troubles. 
 Proverbs 21:23 
May your day be still and filled with peace!

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